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Why should you trial FullCircl?
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Why should you trial FullCircl?

Why trial FullCircl? It’s the best way to experience working with us. An in-depth understanding of capabilities within the context of your unique requirements.

Conducting an evaluation of the platform has numerous benefits.  

It’s the best way to gather first-hand experience of what using the platform and working with us will really be like.

And it’s also a chance to gain an in-depth understanding of our capabilities in a low-risk environment, within the context of your unique business requirements.

This can help minimise risks, assist with c-suite buy-in, and boost the chances of a successful implementation and ongoing partnership.

Benefits of a FullCircl evaluation

  • Assess the impact of FullCircl on your people and your operations.  
  • Measure FullCircl’s performance in real-world scenario.
  • Test how strong our data coverage and quality really is.
  • Test the customisability of functionality for your requirements e.g. how easy is it to build custom workflows.
  • Check you can hit your key KPIs/metrics in a controlled environment.
  • Establish proof of value and return on investment.
  • Gather vital user experience feedback.
  • Test scalability and assess what your future state might look like.
  • Measure the operational impact such as workflow efficiency and time savings.
  • Evaluate the FullCircl experience – technical support, service, training, resources and so on.
  • Assess competitive advantage.

It’s also a good opportunity for us to experience working with you, so we can accommodate any unique requirements in a customised solution.

What does an evaluation with FullCircl look like?

We offer several options – a 4-week pilot, 6-week provisional access, 4-week API trial, and an identity solutions trial. In all cases, a FullCircl trial is a well-planned and carefully executed experience to ensure it meets your individual objectives and goals, and is optimised so you can test the integration and gather quantifiable results.

Stage 1 – Pre-Evaluation

During this stage we will establish what you want to achieve along with your success criteria. This typically involves a series of kick-off meetings, including day-in-the-life calls with potential users where we will determine the scope of the trial, the features to be tested, level of stakeholder and user involvement, resources requirements, KPIs, and more.

Stage 2 – Launch Training

This is an interactive face-to-face session with all stakeholders and users. It includes a full demonstration of the platform, and training for all pilot participants to ensure they are comfortable using the functionality within the FullCircl platform.

Stage 3 – The Evaluation

We will implement the evaluation in accordance with the scope agreed, ensuring users are supported to ensure maximum benefit, and stakeholder decision-making is empowered. During the trial we will collect data on usage metrics, performance against goals, and issues encountered. A mid-point evaluation and weekly calls will also help gather qualitative insights into the user experience and any potential areas for improvement.

Stage 4 – Wrap up and Next Steps

Post-evaluation results in the form of user feedback calls and stakeholder reviews, as well as quantitative assessment of outcomes against the pre-defined goals, will assist in the preparation of a comprehensive report and recommendations for a full roll-out.

A proven process to demonstrate value and drive success

We understand that integrating and managing a new platform can come with it's reservations. That's why our proven process will ensure that your team can not only maximise the value of FullCircl during the trial phase, but throughout your relationship with us.

Results-driven proof of value

To give you an idea of typical evaluation outcomes:

  • A leading digital-first bank achieved a 50% uplift in time savings and 5.1 x ROI.
  • A tier one bank achieved £250k deal income.
  • A well-known high street banking group processed applications 50% faster.
  • A leading mobile provider generated £500k in potential pipeline and identified 5,000 new connections.

Here's how FullCircl has generated significant time savings:

  • An average of 3.5 hours saved per user each week.
  • A total of over 2,089 hours saved per week when extrapolated across a potential user base of 597 FTEs, equivalent to the workload of 52 FTEs.
  • Equivalent to over 22.75 days of additional productivity per user per year.
  • An estimated savings of over £2.6 million a year.

So how does FullCircl data processing compare to other platforms?

Financial information

  • Without FullCircl - 23 minutes
  • With FullCircl - 9 minutes (60% time saving)

News insights

  • Without FullCircl - 14 minutes
  • With FullCircl - 6 minutes (57% time saving)

Audit reports

  • Without FullCircl - 11 minutes
  • With FullCircl - 7 minutes (36% time saving)

Credit data

  • Without FullCircl - 10 minutes
  • With FullCircl - 6 minutes (40% time saving)


  • Without FullCircl - 20 minutes
  • With FullCircl - 8 minutes (60% time saving)

Want to discover more success stories? Check out FullCircl's case studies here.

Howden: A best practice pilot story 

In 2024, global insurance group Howden conducted a structured pilot of the FullCircl SmartBroker platform, including our API integration with the Acturis insurance platform.  

The scope of the pilot included the integration of critical company information and compliance screening within Acturis, with the goals of driving efficiencies in client acquisition and onboarding, as well as the delivery of a consistent client experience across its national branch network.

Quantitative results included a potential 34x total return on investment (ROI) including£2.6 million ROI from enhanced data quality, and £2.9m ROI from process efficiency savings. In just three weeks the pilot demonstrated proof of concept and value in terms of a £250,000 uptick in sales capacity via improved and efficient targeting, the identification of £8.1 million of new pipeline opportunities, the surfacing of £584,000 of total potential premium, and £600,000 compliance process efficiency savings.

Meanwhile, qualitative feedback highlighted the instant benefits to users in terms of data enrichment, efficient record creation, and valuable propensity triggers, as well as huge individual and collective time savings – the equivalent of 18 full time employees.

As a result, Howden proceeded to roll-out the integrated package to its 2,000 Acturis users across the group.

Want to learn more about Howden and FullCircl's partnership? Check out the press release here.

Put FullCircl to the test

We believe an evaluation of FullCircl is always a good idea - we love to be put through our paces. It’s a crucial step in the innovation process, both for you and for us.  

If you’re looking for a new vendor, streamlining your technology stack, or seeking new ways to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities, get in touch with a member of our expert team today.  

We’ll help you determine the right scope, duration, goals, and metrics so you can successfully undertake a well-executed evaluation of our platform and gather the insights you need to secure buy-in and move forward with confidence.

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