Features 3

How W2 by FullCircl is helping a start-up payment solution achieve enterprise level financial crime prevention

"W2 gives us the ability to work with several different organisations through a single interface and single layer integration."

Gary Prince, Chief Strategy Officer at SimplyPayMe

The Customer

SimplyPayMe enables seamless payments, invoicing, and simple business management solutions via smartphone.

The Solution

W2 by FullCircl's Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and fraud prevention solutions have improved screening and fraud detection rates, whilst delivering real-time customer onboarding.

The Challenge

To centralise due diligence and improve AML and fraud prevention.

The Benefits

Single data access point. Enhanced AML and fraud screening. Real-time onboarding. Facilitating relationships with new merchants. Adherence to stringent client and regulatory requirements.

Customer Onboarding
June 2024


SimplyPayMe is a payments technology firm designed specifically to support the operation and management of small businesses (SMBs). Its aim is to make working life easier, with a cloud-based solution that provides a full mobile payments infrastructure for SMBs.

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The SimplyPayMe Story

A fast growth, award-winning start-up, seeking expansion in the US, SimplyPayMe needed to enhance its due diligence and improve AML and fraud prevention rates, whilst delivering near-real-time customer onboarding journeys.

“We had a number of requirements when we came to W2,” says Gary Prince, Chief Strategy Officer. “We needed to perform due diligence in a centralised location, gain access to data from multiple sources to increase match rates and fraud detection, and improve the methods by which we identify individuals that could present a financial crime risk.”

SimplyPayMe had a clear requirement to screen customers against various global watchlists. W2 pulled together its AML and Fraud Detection solutions into a customised bundle for SimplyPayMe. Unifying global sanctions, politically exposed persons (PEPs), adverse media data and anti-fraud screening through a single access point to helps it prevent money laundering at initial onboarding stage and at point of payment transactions.

“Expansion in the US meant we needed to satisfy the requirements of large payment processors as well as stringent regulators, ”explained Gary. W2 ensures we’re transacting with the right people, and that we can deliver as near as real-time onboarding journeys as possible. W2 massively sped up the process for us, they are without doubt the best partner for us.”

With W2’s help SimplyPayMe is quickly, safely, and compliantly onboarding hundreds of new merchants every month. This has fuelled growth and enabled them to act on a level playing field with more established payment providers in the market.

W2 is almost like a pseudo aggregator of data, which is fantastic for a business like ours. They give us the ability to work with several different organisations through a single interface and single layer integration,” concludes Gary. “We have a consultative partnership, working together to continually enhance our leading compliance product suite. We might be a small business, but they treat us the same as they would a big bank.”

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