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Insurance Age Q&A: Fullcircl CEO Andrew Yates talks about early adopters of the Acturis Integration with SmartBroker.
November 14, 2023

Insurance Age Q&A: Fullcircl CEO Andrew Yates talks about early adopters of the Acturis Integration with SmartBroker.

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Following its partnership with Acturis to integrate its SmartBroker solution, FullCircl CEO and co-founder Andrew Yates explains the benefits for brokers and future plans for the business.

In this video Yates discusses with Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift the evolution of FullCircl from Artesian:DueDil and the rationale behind its recent Acturis partnership.

The pair talk about the onboarding process and how the Acturis and FullCircl integration contributes to improved data accuracy and quality within an organisation.

Yates and Swift also chat about issues such as underinsurance and regulatory/compliance challenges and the tie-up FullCircl now has with the British Insurance Brokers’ Association.

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