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How FullCircl Can Help With Your Sustainability Agenda
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January 2025

How FullCircl Can Help With Your Sustainability Agenda

How FullCircl can help with your sustainability agenda

“Sustainability” is a hot topic and FullCircl can help you understand your clients plans, gain insight from industry leaders and influencers, recognise Sector trends and target new prospects with a Green focus.

Sustainability in Business Newsletter

Weekly sustainability in business newsletter. Be relevant and aware of ESG initiatives within your customers markets. Click on the button to register for the newsletter.

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Sustainability Trigger

While browsing the news in your newsfeeds, you may encounter articles highlighted in a certain colour, with a keyword or phrase displayed in the top left corner of the article. These are used to denote Triggers, and are colour coded based on the type of business event.

Triggers also appear in your Alerts, as well as when viewing your newsfeed on your mobile.

To support our clients, FullCircl has now created a new Sustainability Trigger; if you would like to add this to your profile, please let your Customer Success Manager know.


Managed Lists are a series of predefined watchlists which we have created to make specific types of businesses easier to follow.

To view these lists, navigate to the home page or to one of your Watchlist newsfeeds, then click the “Copy from Managed Lists” button.

Along the right side of the page that loads you will see a selection of Managed Lists.

By clicking on one of these lists you will be able to view and follow any of the companies displayed within them, or all of them by selecting the “Follow All” button.

Within these watchlists, you will find our new “Sustainability” watchlist – giving you quick access to key influencers.

Top tip: Our Managed Lists work best when combined with Topic Filters.

Sector Trends

Knowing the Sustainability Trends affecting the sector or industry you are operating in as well as the companies you sell to is critical.

FullCircl provides you access to Sector News articles that can be used to give you and your customers a greater understanding of what is going on in industry sectors as a whole as well as providing you with news from competitor/peer companies that you may not be following through FullCircl.

Sector News gives you insightful articles and updates from twelve main industries and several subcategories, you can also search for Keywords including Sustainability.

Environmentally Friendly Prospecting

Company Buzzwords are a new filter option available when searching for companies using FullCircl’s Prospector tool.

Company Buzzwords helps you narrow your search by finding companies that use specific words or phrases on their websites (to describe themselves or their industry), such as “Biofuels” or “Hydroelectricity”  allowing you to prospect and target companies operating in sustainable industries.

Topic Filters

Topic filters allow you to refine your newsfeed and email alerts to display just the news that you want to see for your companies.

At FullCircl we have created a new range of detailed Topic Filters to help you filter your Newsfeed and Daily alerts on topics such as Sustainability and ESG.

To apply topic filters; click on one of your watchlists and go to their News tab.

At the top of the Newsfeed, click on the Watchlist filters section, then click the Edit filters button.

This will open a pop-up box containing all of the topic filters available - tick the boxes next to the topics you are interested in such as sustainable finance or renewable energy.

You can also use the Search box to find topics of interest.

And finally, don’t forget to save!

Top tip: Topic filters are really powerful when combined with “Green” influencers.

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